Filmora X Download for Windows 11/10/7 PC

Filmora X is a video editing software developed by Wondershare that allows users to create, edit, and share videos. It is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems. Filmora X is a powerful and easy-to-use video editing software that is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. Its intuitive interface and wide range of features make it a great option for anyone looking to create professional-quality videos.

To use Filmora X, you’ll need to download the software and install it on your computer. Once it’s installed, you can import the video files you want to edit by dragging and dropping them into the program or using the “Import” button. From there, you can use the various editing tools and features to trim, crop, and enhance your video. When you’re finished, you can export your edited video in a range of formats and resolutions.

Download Filmora X for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, and all the previous versions of Windows operating systems e.g Windows Vista and Windows XP. This is the latest Filmora X Download version and will work for both 32-bit and 64-bit OS.

Download Information

  • Version:
  • License: Trail version
  • File Size: 3.0 MB
  • Downloads: 28,999
  • Developer: Wondershare
  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11, Vista & XP

Click the Download button to Grab the Filmora X offline installer setup.exe for your PC, and install it on your computer by following the steps down below…

Filmora X

How to Install Filmora X on Windows 10/7 PC?

To Install Filmora X Download for Windows 10/7 PC software on your Windows 10 PC, Follow the simple steps below.

  1. Download the setup.exe file by clicking the download button above.
  2. After downloading the tool, Open your download folder and double-click on setup.exe to install it on your computer.
  3. Allow your system to install the software.
  4. Follow the installation instructions by the software and click Ok.
  5. Wait for the system to complete the installation process.
  6. That’s it!

Filmora X Features Overview

  • Intuitive interface: Filmora X has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and find the tools they need.
  • Wide range of editing tools: Filmora X offers a variety of tools for trimming, cutting, and splicing video clips, as well as adjusting audio, adding transitions, and applying effects.
  • Audio and video effects: Filmora X includes a library of audio and video effects that can be used to enhance and customize the look and feel of a video.
  • Text and graphics overlays: Filmora X allows users to add text, graphics, and overlays to their videos, such as titles, captions, and logos.
  • Color correction and grading: Filmora X offers tools for adjusting the color balance, saturation, and contrast of a video, as well as for applying color grades to give a video a specific look.
  • Audio recording and mixing: Filmora X includes a built-in audio recorder and mixer, allowing users to record and edit audio tracks for their videos.
  • Advanced features: Filmora X also includes advanced features such as motion tracking, keyframe animation, and support for high-resolution video editing.

Is Filmora X free?

Filmora X is not free software. It is a commercial product that is available for purchase. However, Wondershare, the company behind Filmora X, does offer a free trial version of the software that you can download and use for a limited time. The free trial version includes most of the features and tools of the full version of Filmora X, but it includes a watermark on exported videos and does not allow users to save their projects.

If you want to use Filmora X on a permanent basis, you will need to purchase a license for the software. Filmora X is available for purchase on the Wondershare website, as well as through various online retailers and software resellers.

How much has Filmora X cost?

Filmora X is a video editing software developed by Wondershare. The cost of Filmora X depends on which version you purchase.

There are three main versions of Filmora X available:

  1. Filmora X: This is the standard version of Filmora X, which includes all of the basic features and tools for video editing. The cost of Filmora X is $99.99 for a perpetual license.
  2. Filmora X Business: This version of Filmora X is designed for businesses and includes additional features and tools such as support for multiple users and the ability to add custom watermarks. The cost of Filmora X Business is $199.99 for a perpetual license.
  3. Filmora X Education: This version of Filmora X is designed for educational institutions and includes the same features as the standard version, but at a discounted price. The cost of Filmora X Education is $49.99 for a perpetual license.

It’s important to note that Filmora X is also available as a subscription-based service, with the cost starting at $9.99 per month. The subscription includes access to all of the features and tools in Filmora X, as well as free updates and support.

Is Filmora X Safe to use?

Yes, the Filmora X is 100% safe to use on your PC, as we have downloaded, installed, and tested this software on our Windows 10 21H1 operating system and found it safe. We haven’t found any malware or virus in this software.

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